JenniShow Episode 4: The Shoes
POSTED ON 8/31/2005 | PERMALINK |0 Comments | BOOKMARK
Another "classic" episode of JenniShow. Long before vlogging had a name, Jenni of jennicam was doing just that. This is episode 4 of her 45 (that I'm aware of) episode run. Research at the wayback machine (search for suggests that this episode is at least 8 years old.

This is episode 4, "The Shoes".

Some of these episodes are really only significant for their historical value. Others are genuinely interesting. I'll leave it up to you to decide which is which.

Tonight on GlitchTV: 08.31.05
Towers, The (1957): A documentary look at Simon Rodilla and the building of the Watts Towers in south-central Los Angeles. Simon Rodilla, born in Italy and long-time inhabitant of Watts, had it in his mind to do something big. He became a "builder of defiant towers", gathering up discarded materials over the years and reassembling them slowly into structures looming high above his neighbors' homes.

Want to watch/download this program without subscribing? Click here.

Horses On Mars (2001): 3.6 billion years ago, A microbe is blasted off its home planet from a meteor impact and embarks on a journey through the inner solar system. After spending time on other worlds, it decides home is best and tries to return - only to head in the wrong direction by mistake. Unable to ever return again, it has a stunning vision of home - and what lies ahead for it. The imagery mimicks the look of electron microscope imagery.

Want to watch/download this program without subscribing? Click here.

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Charlize Theron To Star In Arrested Development
Oscar winner Charlize Theron is set to add some star power to Fox's 'Arrested Development' when its third season debuts next month.

Theron has signed on to guest-star in five episodes of the critically acclaimed black comedy, playing a British woman who becomes the love interest of 'Development' star Jason Bateman. Theron will debut in the second 'Development' episode of the season, after its Sept. 19 premiere.

Previous guest stars include:The amazing thing about ArrDev is that everyone involved is so talented. It doesn't seem to attract big stars and great talent merely because it provides a paycheck or publicity. It seems to be driven by a desire to do smart, funny, creative work. It allows performers to realize their true potential. I never thought I'd be talking about how laugh-out-loud funny Liza Minnelli and Carl Weathers are. I never thought they could be scene stealers, but they are. Frankly, I never thought I'd be a huge Jason Bateman fan in the year 2005, but I am. This is ego-free ensamble work and television programming at its finest.

Here's hoping it makes it to season four.

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Bob Cringely Launches NerdTV
Beginning Sept. 6, PBS will make available - exclusively over the Internet - broadcast television's first entirely downloadable series, featuring PBS technology columnist and industry insider Robert X. Cringely's interviews with personalities from the ever-changing world of technology.

Sez Cringely:
"NerdTV will have an uninterrupted hour with the smartest, funniest and sometimes nerdiest people in high tech. These are people who have changed our lives whether we know it or not. Through NerdTV a broad audience of enthusiasts and students will gain a much greater understanding of these techies and the context of their lives and work."
The show will be availble in video and audio versions, including full and clipped versions. The show will be licensed via Creative Commons, which should provide endless opportunities for indie producers wanting to incorporate interview footage into their documentaries.

Anyone who's familiar with Cringely's books and PBS specials knows that he has a unique perspective and close connections to just about everyone in the industry. His online column manages to create an internet buzz each and every week. I'm betting NerdTV will do the same.

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Mike Thompson on High Gas Prices

hi-res photo of the day: Orange Grove 1024x681

Orange Grove
Originally uploaded by lumis.
WTG will be featuring Katrina in its hi-res photo of the day feature for the remainder of the week.

Please consider donating to the Red Cross.

Inside ILM: Kraftwerk, Lullabies, and Ugly Musicians
POSTED ON 8/30/2005 | PERMALINK |0 Comments | BOOKMARK

I Love Music has far too many threads for any sane person to read. Here are ten recent additions that stand out from the pack.

more 'inside ilm'

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Tonight on GlitchTV - 08.30.05
Private SNAFU - The Home Front (1943): Private Snafu imagines the good times his family is having back home while he's stationed in the Arctic. Technical Fairy First Class shows that even his family is helping with the war effort - his dad building tanks, his mom planting a Victory Garden, Grandpa riveting battleships, and his girl joining the WAC's and even the family's horse is pitching in.

This is one of 26 Private SNAFU ('Situation Normal, All Fouled Up) cartoons made by the US Army Signal Corps to educate and boost the morale the troops. Originally created by Theodore Geisel (Dr. Seuss) and Phil Eastman, most of the cartoons were produced by Warner Brothers Animation Studios - employing their animators, voice actors (primarily Mel Blanc) and Carl Stalling's music.

Want to watch/download this program without subscribing? Click here.

Rolling Stones w/ Muddy Waters & Buddy Guy @ Checkerboard Lounge (1981): The Rolling Stones jam onstage with legendary Chicago bluesmen Muddy Waters and Buddy Guy at Chicago's historical, and dimly lit blues club, the Checkerboard Lounge. The Stones perform "Mannish Boy", "Hoochie Coochie Man", "Long Distance Call", and "Champagne and Reefer" with Muddy Waters and "Next Time You See Me" with Buddy Guy.

Want to watch/download this program without subscribing? Click here.

Remember that you can always check the top, right corner of this blog to see what's new on GlitchTV.

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Nick Anderson on Journalists In Iraq
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hi-res photo of the day: weather project 1980x1518

weather project
Originally uploaded by trashbat.

Ween MP3 Brownload #1 - Pandy Fackler
POSTED ON 8/29/2005 | PERMALINK |0 Comments | BOOKMARK
Pandy Fackler by Ween
Live @ The Stone Pony - 05.25.03
11:54 VBR MP3

Good sound quality with a fantastic keyboard solo by Glenn McClelland.

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streetsy: daily street art photography
Streetsy is a daily street art site. Seven to 10 photos will be posted each day. There are currently over 2500 tagged photos.

The site is realized through a joint effort of Jake Dobkin, Eliot Shepard, and Wooster Collective.

All of the photography is available, and even recommended, for use on other websites.

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John Loftus Does It Again
John Loftus of Fox News Channel And ABC News Radio, who previsously gave out the address of innocent people he had misidentified as terrorists, appears to do this sort of thing on a regular basis.
An article in Thursday's California section reported on statements made by John Loftus, a commentator for Fox News, describing grocery store owner Iyad K. Hilal as a terrorist. Although the article accurately quoted Loftus' expression of his opinion, The Times wants to make clear that Hilal has not been charged with any illegal activity and The Times is not aware of any law enforcement agency or official that has identified Hilal as a terrorist.
This guy seems to go off half-cocked every ten seconds. He certainly appears to be unreliable and dangerous source of information. Any organization that employes him should be ashamed. Additionally, right-wing radio and Fox News, should seriously reconsider fostering an environment that encourages "reporting" like this.

Jan Polet's Hit Test
Hit Test is a must-subscribe podcast for any music fan. With superb production and genuine entertainment value, this shows just how good an indie podcast can be. Jan Polet plays short clips of three songs and you have to guess what they are. It's as simple as that.

This is a fine example of a specific, structured, short podcast that just couldn't work on the radio. To be heard, it would have to be broadcast as part of a longer, general program. Either that, or it would be used as a brief, unscheduled interstitial. Thanks to podcasting, you can indulge whenever you like.

hi-res photo of the day: ...conva(lumin)escence 1200x1600

Originally uploaded by underbunny.

Tonight on GlitchTV - 08.29.05
How to Survive a Zombie Epidemic (2004) : This movie was created initially for a challenge posed by It uses clips from the film "Night of the living Dead", and "Amid the Dead". Both of these films were acquired from This film is an amusing instructional video on how to survive a zombie epidemic. The majority of the footage is taken from the other films mentioned, but the witty voice-over narrative is what makes this video a must see. Who knows, the information in this film may just save your life...

We Edit Life (2002): "Experimenters in visual perception are using computers to create weird and random patterns that never occur in real life to find out what and how people see when these patterns are shown to them. The art of computer graphics is only in its infancy yet it is already stimulating creative thought in far out areas where research is likely to get complex and unwieldy. If offers not only the means to quicken the pace of discovery but an ideal of communicating what we may discover."

Remember that you can always check the top, right corner of this blog to see what's new on GlitchTV.

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Configure Third Party Applications For Google Talk

Google Talk uses the Jabber protocol, which is already built into a number of different IM clients. If you aren't running Windows, or if you want to run an all-in-one IM app, these instructions will help you get on the Google Talk network.

It is unclear if any of these clients will be compatible with the voice features of Google Talk. It seems unlikely. But they will support all IM functionality. The developer faq seems to suggest that voice interoperability will be available in the future.
How do I configure GAIM for Google Talk?
How do I configure iChat for Google Talk?
How do I configure Psi for Google Talk?
How do I configure Trillian Pro for Google Talk?
How do I configure Adium for Google Talk?
How do I configure Miranda for Google Talk?

Signe Wilkinson on Iraqi Women & Islamic Law

hi-res photo of the day: soar 2000x1333
POSTED ON 8/27/2005 | PERMALINK |1 Comments | BOOKMARK

Originally uploaded by _rebekka.

Tonight on GlitchTV - 08.27.05
Metropopular (2001): Metropopular is an animated short film about what the cities of America would say to one another if they could talk. Frantic about a popularity contest in which these cities are competing, they jockey for top position while arguing between themselves. Highlighting their separate personalities, each city had his or her own reason why they should be ''America's favorite city.''

Mighty Mouse: Wolf! Wolf! (1945): Little Bo Peep and her free-range sheep are threatened when Wily and Jazzy wolves attempt to capture them. But Mighty Mouse saves the day.

Stay tuned, as more TiVo content in smaller file sizes may be coming to GlitchTV soon! And remember that you can always check the top, right corner of this blog to see what's new on GlitchTV.

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The Visual Art of William Burroughs
POSTED ON 8/26/2005 | PERMALINK |1 Comments | BOOKMARK
Few people credit it, but William Burroughs spent 40 years making visual art. It is common knowledge that Brion Gysin's visual art experiments had a profound influence on the writings of Burroughs. But that influence also led to collaborations between the two, as well as a parallel, if private, career as an artist for Burroughs.

From Cut and Paste:
Eight years after his death in 1997, Burroughs is still talked of solely as a writer. In his 1988 biography, Ted Morgan called Burroughs's art a "senior citizen hobby". But it was a hobby that took up more and more of his time, and led to collaborations with Jean-Michel Basquiat, Keith Haring and Robert Rauschenberg. Burroughs had his first solo exhibition in 1987; prominent New York galleries showed his work, and invariably sold out ("They're all pre-sold," he once said, not quite believing his luck. "It's the only way to go"). Those last years have led many to speculate on the extent to which art and writing were ever that separated in Burroughs's mind.
From Rethinking The Collage
For Burroughs, narrative itself, with its dependence on verbal units such as sentences, forcing the reader to plod through individual words, traps people in routine patterns of thought. To escape this aspect of language would mean moving beyond words. As he explains it, "a special use of words and pictures can conduce silence. The scrapbooks and time travel are exercises to expand consciousness, to teach me to think in association blocks rather than word" ("Art of Fiction" 22). In a series of largely unpublished scrapbooks, Burroughs constructed thousands of collages which he used to think through simultaneous associations. Sometimes commenting directly on his writing, sometimes reworking themes from his books or providing images for them, and sometimes existing as purely independent works, these visual collages provided Burroughs a new means of thinking, but one that is often more reminiscent of newspapers, illustrated magazines, and their ubiquitous advertisements than of the Egyptian hieroglyphics he often invoked to explain the idea of associational blocks.

Addition WSB Visual Art:

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hi-res photo of the day :Vulgar town 1248x1246

Vulgar town
Originally uploaded by kuro_rakko.
M. e. Cohen on Cindy Sheehan
Kick Out Rick Pic Of The Week: Week 3

Previous Rick Santorum Posts:

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Tonight on GlitchTV- 08.26.05
This or That Promo (2005): A 30 second Promo for "This or That!", America's Favorite Burlesque Game Show. Cut from the show's 2003 season at Coney Island. "This or That!" is a live stage show that is simultaneously shot as a television game show. Contestants are chosen from the theater audience.

Woody Woodpecker in Pantry Panic (1940): Weatherby Groundhog predicts a cold winter and advises all the birds to fly south. But Woody Woodpecker decides to stay, and nearly starves. Animation by Alex Lovy and Lester Kline, story by Ben Hardaway and L.E. Elliott, music by Darrell Calker.

You can subscribe to This or That here, but it won't work with TiVo. Stay tuned for future clips/episodes on GlitchTV.

There have been complaints about the large file sizes of GlitchtTV content since we debuted a few days ago. We've considered those complaints and have programmed Friday with smaller files.

Stay tuned, as more TiVo content in smaller file sizes may be coming to GlitchTV soon! And remember that you can always check the top, right corner of this blog to see what's new on GlitchTV.

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You've heard it 1000 Times: The Roland TB-303
POSTED ON 8/25/2005 | PERMALINK |0 Comments | BOOKMARK
The TB-303 was a synthesizer & sequencer produced by the Roland corporation in 1982 and 1983 that had a crucial role in the development of contemporary electronic music. The TB-303 (named for "Transistor Bass") was originally sold to guitarists for bass accompaniment when practising alone, a role in which it failed miserably. Production lasted approximately 18 months, resulting in 20,000 units (which is why it's considered a vintage item nowadays, often valued to amounts of 800 to 1000 USD). It wasn't until the mid- to late-1980s that DJs and musicians in Chicago found a use for the machine in the context of the newly developing house music. Phuture's "Acid Trax" is widely acknowledged to have been the first track to incorporate the sounds that have come to define the sound the TB-303 is known for today. The well-known "acid" sound can be produced with a TB-303 by playing a melody while changing the cutoff frequency, resonance, envelope modulation, and accent controls. (The accent control modified the note volume, resonance, and envelope modulation.)
It is by mistake that the 303 is still used today. It is an accident that it is one of the most popular and recognizable sounds in modern music. This little box was designed to emulate a real bass player. But it failed to do so.

Unlike other influential analog synths, this device was not released with creative sound design in mind. It was merely an accompanyment tool. But any good hacker knows that the intended use of such a device is just the beginning of the story.

Early 303 users were among the first to truly worship the glitch. It is the side-effects, not the intended use, that make it a classic. Sure, the Moog makes all sorts of strange noises, but that was its purpose. The 303 we hear on so many electronic and hip-hop tracks is a beautiful accident.

All Amateur Ecstasy

Three women experience the most earth-shattering climaxes of their lives, or so it would seem. Grab a tissue because satisfaction is only a click away.
Directed by Greg Pak and starring Sophia Skiles, Miriam Sirota and Julie Atlas Muz
Greg Pak is an award-winning writer and director whose feature film, Robot Stories," starring Tamlyn Tomita and Sab Shimono, played in 75 festivals, won 35 awards, screened theatrically across the country, and is now available on DVD from Kino International. Greg's feature screenplay "Rio Chino" won the Pipedream Screenwriting Award at the IFP Market and a Rockefeller Media Arts Fellowship. Greg wrote the screenplay for the feature film "MVP," which premiered at the 2004 Sundance Film Festival. Greg is now writing for Marvel Comics. Projects include "X-Men: Phoenix - Endsong," "Iron Man: House of M," and "1602: New World."

Greg's short film "Fighting Grandpa" has won 20 prizes, including a Student Academy Award, and has played in over 50 film festivals. Greg's comic shorts "Asian Pride Porn" and "All Amateur Ecstasy" are among the most viewed films at His shorts "Mouse," "Po Mo Knock Knock," "Cat Fight Tonight" and "The Penny Marshall Project" have won awards and screened in dozens of film festivals around the world.

Greg edits and He was named one of 25 Filmmakers to Watch by Filmmaker Magazine and was described as "a talent with a future" by Elvis Mitchell in the New York Times. Greg studied political science at Yale University, history at Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar, and film production at the NYU graduate film program.
more muz @ wtg:

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Cartoonists Skewer Pat Robertson

Tivo, Internet Archive, and GlitchTV
POSTED ON 8/24/2005 | PERMALINK |0 Comments | BOOKMARK
As WTG reported last week, TiVo has a new feature that allows you to take content from your computer and view it on your TV. Tivo's ToGo tools have been around for awhile now, but have proved to be less useful than it sounded when announced. ToGo implies quick and easy, but you're going to be about 3 hours late for your flight if you decide you want to dump some TiVo content onto your laptop at the last minute.

However, the new feature--let's call it ToStay--is a different story.

ToStay is just as slow, but that's okay. You're not going anywhere, so who care if it takes a while? You just drop MPEG2 files into your "My Tivo Downloads" folder and they show up on your "Now Playing" list. You can opt to either watch the video as it's sent to your TiVo (AKA unintelligent sreaming), which works reasonably well even over wireless networking, or transfer video in the background while using your TiVo's other functions. Both methods work well and result in beautiful, high quality playback when using properly formatted files.

The one drawback, and it's a big one, is that it only plays MPEG2 video. While this may change in the future, we're currently stuck with fairly limited choices in terms of freely available downloadable content.

That's where the Internet Archive comes in. This is really the only place on the net where you can find masses of MPEG2 video available for download. You can find everything from Betty Boop to Night of the Living Dead in full MPEG2 glory. These two services were made for each other.

WTG will be programming a daily "TV Station" for your TiVo called "GlitchTV." If you use a media aggregator like FireANT or iPodderX, you'll be able to have the content automatically downloaded into your TiVo directory. Once you're set up, the only manual labor you'll endure is plopping down on the couch, hiting the TiVo button, and reading the list of what's on. We'll try to have a variety of programming and we're open to suggestions regarding what to program and how much TiVo space and download time is reasonable. Leave a comment if you have any input.

Subscribe To GlitchTV
Come back tomorrow for program guides and more. With a little help, maybe we can become a mini-ZChannel. Until then, enjoy the feed.

UPDATE: A "program guide" with a link to the feed is available at the top of the right column on this page.

UPDATE 2: Daily program guides w/ descriptions will also be posted to this blog.

UPDATE 3: GlitchTV now supports PSP/iPod as well. These devices should be synced up to the main wtg feed, while TiVo should continue to use the GlitchTV feed.

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hi-res photo of the day: green apple blue glove

Originally uploaded by deborah lattimore.
I usually only post high resolution photos here, but I thought the color and contrast of this one was too good to pass up.

The shot is by Deborah Lattimore.

For more colorful fruit photography, take a look at these from Ana Voog:

Genesis P-Orridge: E Crazy Genius
POSTED ON 8/23/2005 | PERMALINK |0 Comments | BOOKMARK

Genesis P-Orridge, E Crazy Genius, 1977, Letter, 60" x 8"
Crane/Friedman Correspondence Art Collection

This is a bit of GP-O's mail art from the Alternative Traditions in the Contemporary Arts archive at the University of Iowa. P-Orridige, of Throbbing Gristle & Psychic TV fame, is famous for attracting legal trouble in the 70's due to the content of his art.

View the rest of this series (NSFW):

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previously on wtg:
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No Waste Like Home
Britain’s most wasteful families are about to face the shock of a lifetime and a radical shift in living, as they follow Penney Poyzer's advice on how to cut down on waste and save money.

It looks like there might be some life in the bland "home-improvement" TV industry after all. This seems like a program that could actually teach viewers something useful, rather than merely devoting 1/2 hour to yard sales, painting and storage bins. While clone after clone continue to dillute a formula that was hardly interesting to begin with, BBC has come up with a new angle that could bring a new audience, not to mention a previously untapped group of earth-friendly advertisers.

Catch in BBC2 @ 8:30pm on Thursdays.

For those without BBC, the site features tips as well as links to products featured on the show. Hopefully we'll see it on BBC America sometime soon.
Noveltoon: The Stupidstitious Cat (1946)
A very superstitious cat tries to catch Buzzy for breakfast but Buzzy outsmarts him. Animation by Graham Place and John Walworth. Story by Carl Meyer and Jack Ward. Scenics by Anton Loeb. Music by Winston Sharples. Produced in 1946.
This film was a parody of Jack Benny and Eddie Anderson and was the first to feature Buzzy. The crow is voiced here by Jackson Beck, who also voiced Bluto in the Popeye series. The voice would later be changed due to its racist overtones.

17MB MPEG4 File

Follow the link below for additional video formats.
DadaDodo: Exterminate All Rational Thought
DadaDodo is a program that analyses texts for word probabilities, and then generates random sentences based on that. Sometimes these sentences are nonsense; but sometimes they cut right through to the heart of the matter, and reveal hidden meanings.
This web-based app is pretty intelligent in that it seeks to find hidden meanings rather than just randomizing text. It attempts to assemble sentences that make sense in terms of construction. This makes for something easier to consume, while still staying within the bounds of the mysterious 3rd mind. It does not always succeed, but the results are intruiging.

Only on The Earth consider who continue on the our galaxy than the substituted another thing.

And drives the fetus: Inside Her during a perfect Living alive in Revelation and Report WR.

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