terri senft's "camgirls: celebrity & community in the age of social networks" will finally be released
POSTED ON 6/03/2008 | PERMALINK |0 Comments | BOOKMARK

I don't recall how long it's been since I first started reading/watching Terri Senft's analysis of camgirls and web celebrity, but it's been awhile. Her book, originally titled Camgirls: Webcams, Livejournals And The Personal As Political In The Age Of The Global Brand has been a long time coming as well. I discovered Senft via my fascination with Jennifer Ringly and Ana Voog, who I consider to be extremely important internet pioneers. She saw camgirls doing something that ultimately informed what's at the forefront of the social web right now. And, while the book has taken a while to surface, the timing now seems perfect.

I'm assuming that this is the listing for the book, even though the title doesn't match the new book jacket. I've signed up to be notified upon the book's release. I'll post an update when I receive it.
previously on wtg:
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