the end of rudy giuliani (the candidate and the man)
POSTED ON 1/02/2008 | PERMALINK |0 Comments |
Over @ TPM, Josh Marshal writes:
previously on wtg:
"Whatever else you can say about Rudy, had he not tried to exploit 9/11 to build a third career as a presidential candidate, I have little doubt that the halo of 9/11 would have hovered over his head for the rest of his life and provided him a lifetime of fat residuals in the form of consulting work for Giuliani Partners. But what about now?"I'm glad America finally sees Rudy G. for what he really is. And while I think these primaries are all happening way to early in the process, it's never to early to knock Rudy out of the race. I just hope I'm not getting ahead of myself here.
previously on wtg:
- greenwald on real reporting
- reason #394 why rudy giuliani is a hypocritical douchebag
- 10 political news stories in 3 minutes
- naomi klein on the alcove
- icelandic tourist detained/abused
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