the videofreex: video revolution? been there, done that.
POSTED ON 9/03/2007 | PERMALINK |0 Comments | BOOKMARK
from the brooklyn rail:
Three people (David Cort, Parry Teasdale, and Mary Curtis Ratcliff) founded the Videofreex in 1969 and their numbers quickly grew to ten (to include Skip Blumberg, Nancy Cain, Bart Friedman, Davidson Gigliotti, Chuck Kennedy, Carol Vontobel, and Ann Woodward). Although they did not share a defined ideology, they did share the belief that, “placing video cameras…in the hands of ordinary people would make the world a better, more just, and beautiful place.”
from video data bank:
In 1972 they moved to Maple Tree Farm in Lanesville, New York, where members Parry Teasdale, David Cort, Curtis Ratcliff, Davidson Gigliotti, Skip Blumberg, Nancy Cain, Bart Friedman, Carol Vontobel, Ann Woodward, and Chuck Kennedy lived and worked collectively. "We didn't have any way of reaching out to the community," Teasdale recalls, "There wasn't any cable. There wasn't any broadcast in the area, so we set up our own transmitter... It was pirate TV." Lanesville TV began broadcasting on March 19, 1972 and continued on a weekly basis for five years, providing programming that ranged from artist's tapes and live performances to play-by-play coverage of the 1976 Democratic National Convention (Five Day Bicycle Race). Lanesville TV was committed to the two-way, interactive potential of broadcasting, using live phone-ins whenever possible.

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