daily source code 308 = pat and adam in the morning
POSTED ON 5/11/2006 | PERMALINK |0 Comments | BOOKMARK

Daily Source Code offered up a particularly good episode on Tuesday. Patracia was on, and for the first time, really found a place for herself on the show. While I generally enjoyed hearing her on the show, she often seemed a little disconnected. In episode 308, Patricia and Adam effortlessly translated their marriage into an entertaining radio show. They shounded like they've been doing "Pat & Adam In The Morning" for ten years. It was pretty fun to listen to.

If that doesn't ring your bell, the show is worth listening to for the bizarre Vincent Price clip at the beginning of the show and the funny "Porno Movie" track from the Podsafe Music Network.

This episode was light on the geek stuff and heavy on personality. It was about nothing in particular, and damn fun to listen to. This is a great example of how good "radio" can be when not trampled by corporate interests.

I happen to like the geek stuff, but this is one of those episodes that could suck a non-geek, non-podcast listener into the show.
previously on wtg:

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